Third Party

Due to the volume of students enrolled at UNM who are sponsored by a Third Party, it is necessary to establish standard procedures that must be followed by all students and agencies.

Third Party Sponsored Students

  1. Any past due balance must be paid before registering for any future semester.
  2. Students first registering on or after the first day of the semester may be assessed a non-refundable $30 Late Registration Fee and will be responsible for paying this fee.
  3. Authorizations must be received by the Bursar’s Office prior to the last day to drop/add for a full term. Deadline dates are available on the website of the Office of the Registrar under the menu item Semester Deadline Dates.
  4. Students whose agency has not authorized full payment of all tuition and fees are responsible for paying the remaining charges by the billing due date. The due date is shown on the first bill sent after registering. Students will receive email notifications when their monthly bill is ready to view online. It is very important the bill be reviewed every month.
  5. Students who have not paid in full or have not submitted a valid authorization will be subject to registration and transcript holds. Payment plans may be set up by going to the Bursar Account Suite.
  6. If required, students are responsible for providing their Third Party sponsor with the required academic information, such as class schedules and grades.
Student Bursar Account

Upon receipt of a valid authorization, the Third Party Coordinator will apply a provisional payment on your student bursar account. Application of the Third Party provisional payment does not imply that the Bursar’s Office has received payment on your behalf and will be reversed if payment from the agency is not received within 30 days from the invoice date, resulting in all student account charges due being the full responsibility of the student.

Third Party Agencies

Please observe the following:
  1. In order to allow adequate processing time and better serve our students, issued financial guarantees/authorizations must be received by the Bursar’s Office prior to the last day to drop/add for a full term. Deadline dates are available on the website of the Office of the Registrar under the menu item Semester Deadline Dates.
  2. The Third Party Coordinator must have a valid authorization on file for each term. The authorization letter must be on the agencies letterhead and include a signature of an official authorized to commit payment on behalf of the agency. The authorization must be emailed to the Third Party Coordinator and must specify the following:
    • Contact and billing information for the sponsoring agency
    • Student name and UNM ID number
    • Maximum for each category of education cost that will be paid (i.e., tuition, mandatory fees, course fees, housing, other fees, etc…)
    • Any restrictions with regard to financial aid

Tuition Assistance (TA) DECIDE

TA DECIDE is an online information and comparison tool tailored to the unique educational needs of service members. Launched in April 2015 by the U.S. Dept. of Defense, it is designed to support decision-making when it comes to selecting a school, choosing the right program, and making decisions that are aligned with unique personal goals. A list of approved programs that have differential, or programmatic, tuiton and their combined tuition rate (base + differential) is here. A complete list of mandatory student and all other fees charged to all students attending UNM can be found here.


Locate the Third Party Coordinator responsible for each agency by searching for the agency here. You may also click on the column header to sort by that column:


3rd Party AgencyIDCoordinator
AFROTC Z00100356Espie Montoya
A: Shiwi CollegeZ01846576Espie Montoya
AFRL (Airforce Research Lab)/ RVOR Ed. and TrainingZ00100724Espie Montoya
AIMS ABQ - Inst of Math / Science Z01635655Espie Montoya
AmazonZ02046326Espie Montoya
AMIDEAST / Fulbright ProgramZ00100466Espie Montoya
Army Advanced Civil Schooling ProgramZ00100953Steven Candelaria
Army ROTCZ00100499Steven Candelaria
ArmyIgnitEd - (Formerly GOARMY)Z01512335Steven Candelaria
Arkansas Rehab Services (ARS)Z02028370Espie Montoya
AUB - American University of BeirutZ01258315Espie Montoya
BIE (Bureau of Indian Ed.)Z02023673Espie Montoya
Bloomfield Independent SchoolsZ01301743Espie Montoya
Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma 202316Z01858161Espie Montoya
Clovis Community CollegeZ01258248Espie Montoya
College of Illinois 529Z02060403Espie Montoya
CONACVT-MEXICOZ00100457Espie Montoya
David Casavant MemorialZ00100820Espie Montoya
Department of the Navy ROTCZ00100355Espie Montoya
Department of the Navy ROTC - STA-21Z00100497Espie Montoya
Dept of Veterans Affairs-Chapter 31 ABQZ00100351 Berlynn Sedillo
Dept of Veterans Affairs-Chapter 33 ABQZ01909344 Berlynn Sedillo
Dept. of the Air Force AFIT/FMAZ00100353Espie Montoya
Dept. of Veteran Affairs Scholarships and Clinical EducationZ01771034 Berlynn Sedillo
DOE -  NNSAZ00100445Steven Candelaria
DOR (State Of CA)Z02084942Espie Montoya
DTRAZ02084943Espie Montoya
Dutch BrosZ02085224Espie Montoya
DVR - EdgewoodZ01685993Espie Montoya
DVR - Las VegasZ01446151Espie Montoya
DVR - MissouriZ02060404Steven Candelatia
DVR - Quail Office ABQ MainZ00100365Steven Candelaria
DVR - Santa Fe Office ABQ MainZ00100363Steven Candelaria
DVR - Socorro ABQ MainZ00100933Steven Candelaria
DVR - Lomas Office ABQ MainZ00100370Steven Candelaria
DVR - Rio Rancho Office ABQ MainZ00100956Steven Candelaria
DVR - Central/Gibson Office ABQ MainZ00100374Espie Montoya
DVR - Las CrucesZ00100586Espie Montoya
DVR - Los Lunas (Main)Z02099281Espie Montoya
DVR - Mountain Office ABQ MainZ00100377Espie Montoya
DVR - Rio Bravo Office ABQ MainZ00100700Steven Candelaria
DVR - RoswellZ00100977Steven Candelaria
ECECD (CYFD)Z01926583Espie Montoya
EdAssist - Century LinkZ00100436Espie Montoya
EdAssist - McDonald's Archways to OpportunityZ02024517Steven Candelaria
EdAssist - Raytheon TechnologiesZ02025258Steven Candelaria
EdAssist - T MobileZ01784210Steven Candelaria
EdAssist- VERIZONZ01159407Steven Candelaria
Eli LillyZ02085225Espie Montoya
Florida Prepaid - Main Campus Only - 529Z00100673Espie Montoya
Gerald ChampionZ02023674Espie Montoya
Glasgow School of ArtZ02023675Espie Montoya
Government of D.C. - DCTAGZ01158109Espie Montoya
HEAL InitiativeZ02060405Espie Montoya
I.H.S.  Scholarship Branch (Indian Health Services)Z00100534Espie Montoya
Institute of International Education (I.I.E.)Z00100490Espie Montoya
Intel - Tuition Assistance Service CenterZ01159408Espie Montoya
John HopkinsZ02023668Espie Montoya
JUST - Jordan University of Science & Tech.Z01926058Espie Montoya
Krell InstituteZ00100913Espie Montoya
Kuwait Cultural Office DCZ01821109Espie Montoya
Kuwait Cultural Office Los Angeles-ABQ MainZ01505151Espie Montoya
Larry H Miller Education FoundationZ01158107

Espie Montoya

La VidaZ02080036Espie Montoya
Loving Municipal SchoolsZ02022791Espie Montoya
Misc 3rd Pty - B of A (Bank of America)Z00100820Espie Montoya
Misc 3rd Pty - Blood TribeZ00100820Espie Montoya
Misc 3rd Pty - David Casavant MemorialZ00100820Espie Montoya
Misc 3rd Pty - DIV Rehab SVC of IllinoisZ00100820Espie Montoya
Misc 3rd Pty - Dixon EMSZ00100820Espie Montoya
Misc 3rd Pty - Excellent LLCZ00100820Espie Montoya
Misc 3rd Pty - LaspauZ00100820Espie Montoya
Misc 3rd Pty - NextEra EnergyZ00100820Steven Candelaria
Misc 3rd Pty - Oakland A’sZ00100820Steven Candelaria
Misc 3rd Pty - Squaxin Island TribeZ00100820Steven Candelaria
Misc 3rd Pty - EdAssist - Stanford UniversityZ00100820Steven Candelaria
Misc 3rd Pty - Republic of AzergiajanZ00100820Espie Montoys
Misc 3rd Pty - Tierra AdentroZ00100820Steven Candelaria
Misc 3rd Pty - Village of CorralesZ00100820Espie Montoya
Mission Support & Test Services (EETAP)Z00100691Espie Montoya
Mississippi Band of Choctaw IndiansZ00100758Steven Candelaria
National Health Service Corps (NHSC)Z00100427Steven Candelaria
National Nursing Education Initiative (NNEI)Z01633821Steven Candelaria
Navy College/Marine Life Long Learning CenterZ01295911Espie Montoya
Navy MedZ00100440Espie Montoya
New Mexico Higher Education Department (NMHED)Z01499541Steven Candelaria
NM Commission for the BlindZ00100399Steven Candelaria
NM Legislative Finance CommitteeZ01832127Steven Candelaria
NM National Guard - Tuition AssistanceZ00100717Steven Candelaria
NM Vietnam Veterans ScholarshipZ00100352Steven Candelaria
NM Wartime Veterans ScholarshipZ00100354Steven Candelaria
NM Workforce Connections ABQZ01889866Steven Candelaria
NM Workforce Solutions ABQZ00100446Steven Candelaria
Nevada Pre-Paid 529Z01532397Steven Candelaria
Onion Lake Post-Secondary Support PRGMZ00100820Steven Candelaria
ORAU/ORISEZ02099612Steven Candelaria
Pueblo of Tesuque -Main/AbqZ01164480Steven Candelaria
Puyallup Tribe Z02023681Steven Candelaria
Rotary Club of AlamogordoZ02023683Steven Candelaria
RSA-Arizona Dept. of Economic SecurityZ01731981Steven Candelaria
Salt River Higher Education ProgramZ01164481Steven Candelaria
Sandia National Labs ABQ MainZ00100469Steven Candelaria
Saudi Arabian Cultural MissionZ01157804Espie Montoya
Science, Mathematics and Research for Transformation (SMART) ScholarshipZ01296179Steven Candelaria
Seminole Tribe of FloridaZ00100959Steven Candelaria
Society for American Archaeology - Cheryl WaseZ01993441Steven Candelaria
Southern First Nations SecretariatZ02082030Steven Candelaria
Southern Ute Indian Tribe ABQ CAMPUS ONLYZ00100821Steven Candelaria
Stanford University Tuition Grant Program Z01295912Steven Candelaria
Texas Guaranteed Tuition Plan 529Z00100941Steven Candelaria
The Boeing CompanyZ00100939Espie Montoya
TII-Technology Innovation InstituteZ00100820Steven Candelaria
Turkish Consulate Z00100549Steven Candelaria
U.S. AIR FORCE - KAFB (Kirtland Air Force Base)Z00100361Espie Montoya
US Army Medical Center of ExcellenceZ01922782Steven Candelaria
US EagleZ02060399Steven Candelaria
UNM Foundation Tuition Program -ABQ MainZ01538403Steven Candelaria
UPS EdcorZ01695133Steven Candelaria
3rd Party AgencyIDCoordinator